Wednesday, June 23, 2004

Who's barbaric?

Why is the world so violent? The start of news bulletins these days is about people getting killed/conflict in the Middle East region and today was no different. I woke up this morning (or midday) to hear a South Korean man beheaded in Iraq by militants. And the guy was not even fighting in the 'War against Terrorism'. On the other side of the world, George W. Bush dressed up, puts on a face for the cameras and said something we're so accustomed to hearing since 9/11: "The free world cannot be intimidated by the brutal actions of these barbaric people". So the actions by the non 'barbaric' soldiers in Iraq aren't 'brutal'?

Osama bin Laden is no better. The arsehole is shit scared to show his face and is the Middle East equivalent of Bush only slightly 'smarter'.


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