The many things you can do with Jaffas...
As discovered during Timothy fellowship this afternoon. You can:
1. Eat them.
2. Use chopsticks to try and carry them from one plate to another.
3. Play snooker. Place 6 guys with open mouths around a table and see who can collect the most Jaffas.
4. Shove them up your nostrils and get people to take pictures of you.
5. Shove it up one nostril and blow it out. Add a bit of a run up and you can have a game of Jaffalin (Hahaha, very corny...*ahem*).
6. Put one (or many) in a balloon, add some spit, blow the balloon up, give it a shake and then pop the balloon. So thats how they do blood scenes in movies.
Sounds like praising the Lord to me....
Timothy chp 3 v 4-5
"And the Lord said 'go forth my children inserting jaffas into any orifices that thou see fit'."
sounds like you could make those escapades a trilogy
"Lord of the Jaffas : Fellowship of the Jaffa"
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