Sunday, March 26, 2006

Next time I'm stressed...

...I have my stress balls to 'destress' myself. Hahaha...presenting my 2006 collection from O-week and the careers expo -

From l to r: Commonwealth Bank, Revs, Optus, Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, Hydro Tasmania and IMC Pacific.

Funnily enough the past few days I have been exposed to stuff relating to careers, employment etc but from two different perspectives. I guess after nearly 20 years of schooling, it's time to acknowledge there'll be no more 'school' next year unless I fail which hopefully won't be the case.

Last Thursday was the UNSW careers expo and whilst the goal was to score as much free stuff as possible (and I did), I actually made some sort of an effort talking to employers about getting a job next year. Some were very thorough in their role descriptions, telling me the potential career path that I could be heading and of course the $$$$. Others were more: "Here's a brochure, go read it" or "Here's the website, click under so and so link...". Hmmm, very helpful! There were a couple of hydro companies where relocation will be required (one to Snowy mountains and another to Tasmania) and they look VERY appealing since I have been to neither of those places before and they are looking for Telecommunication grad students.

Yesterday the men and women fellowship group from our church ran a combined event on...Challenge in the workplace. Karen Gettens from Ecom spoke on the challenges of being a Christian in the workplace including time, money, priorities and career advancement. She drew examples of her experience as a Christian working for one the big(ger) law firms in Sydney and it was very encouraging to hear how we should have some sort of balance between our work life and spend time with our family and serving God. She says it's especially easy for fresh grads who just can't say 'no' when asked to hang around and do some extra work by their boss. She gave an example once where she was asked to stay back even though she had to go to bible study and her boss asked: "So is God more important than me?"

From Ecclesiastes 5:18-20 we should be thankful that God has given us work for it is a gift from Him and we should also work hard in what we do. However if we work in order to find meaning and purpose in life then that's not so good and we would be disappointed (Ecclestiates 2:10-11). A difference in work and pursuit of work. Definitely something for me to think about over the coming year as I start submitting applications for graduate positions.


Blogger Katie said...

Hey Jeff!

I just read your comment on my blog and was in turn led to your blog... very nice! Can I put a link to yours on mine?

As someone who has done the working thing and the study thing, just be aware that it will take some time before you decide on a balance that you can deal with - even in the most menial of jobs there needs to be a balance between work and the rest of your life, and it can take a bit of trial and error before you find your niche. It's a good thing to be thinking about early on though, so good on you! :)

3/26/2006 11:31 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

sure you can Katie!

Yes, the past few day has definitely got me thinking a little bit about next year. Will definitely need wisdom to approach the whole issue...

3/27/2006 12:57 AM  
Blogger Sam Ngai said...

First of all, you had better start applying now if you haven't done so already.

And as hard as it may sound, you will also need to be well prepared for the interviews despite it being your thesis year. I mean if you do get some interviews, you shouldn't stuff them up, right? I found it very hard to balance job applications and thesis so I ended up not bothering with job applications. It was a big mistake for me. But I suppose you will do whatever you feel like doing =)

And ohhh, lots of stress toys.

3/27/2006 11:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

WHAT? I got rorted! where was the 'Revs' stand?? oh maaaan...
i only got the squishy water drop thingy!!!! and i gave my APRA rubics cube away.

you dont have the shiny bouncy energy australia ball though... neh neh.

4/04/2006 12:29 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

'Revs' had a stand during o-week and it was next to/near the Red Cross stand! they were pretty much handing the stress car out so not sure how you missed it

rubics cube != stress ball.

And yes, i'm jealous you have a shiny bouncy energy australia ball and I don't :P

4/04/2006 1:39 AM  

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