Sunday, October 24, 2004

Belated presents

Whoa! Two weeks after my 21st and presents are still rolling in. I'm actually starting to feel a little bit embarassed about it all but thanks nonetheless!

1. Acoustic Guitar

Not too sure how many people from church chipped in for this but here's the chance to get those stubby fingers of mine working =)

2. "Starting Strong, Staying Strong" by David Cook

Hoi-Yan got me this book and I guess from the title you can work out what it is about. Very timely indeed! Thanks a bunch!

3. iPod

iPod? What iPod?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thats a really nice guitar Kam. I need to buy one myself... but I'm too cheap. It kinda makes me wish that I had friends...


10/25/2004 1:24 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

cheap...and how much did you spend on clothes not-that-long-ago?

10/25/2004 2:44 AM  

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