Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Verbal agreement

Yes, only a verbal agreement so from a personal point of view I won't say 100% I have a full time job, seeing I nearly got screwed over before. But it's close :)

As for the maths - 19 to go before the Friday deadline. I can see light at the end of the tunnel.

Monday, January 29, 2007

Drowning in maths...

Got an extension till Friday so run rate was down for a couple of days but is now creeping up to insane level again.

Measurement(Perimeter, Area, Surface Area and Volume) + circle geometry to go but I can't see myself finishing it by Friday

Somebody kill me...

Thursday, January 11, 2007

Run rate creeping up oh so quickly

Required run rate: 6.8

My maths worksheet typing project is a bit like 1-day cricket at the moment. The pressure is on to get the stuff done by 26/1 and it's not looking good (in 30mins, the run rate will tick over to 7.5). I'm not counting next week because I'll be at KYLC and Switch leaders reteat so realistically I have about 9 days to type up 68 worksheets. Oh the fun.

New Years resolution: Be more organised with time and spend less time playing diablo 2.

Sunday, January 07, 2007

I'm Back

Yes, I'm back from Tarcutta. Maybe more reflections later (else you can ask me), quite tired at the moment.

In some sense I wish I'm not back in Sydney. The 'To do when I get back' list is freaking me out.

But for now, time to a proper bed.