Saturday, September 11, 2004

New Shoes

Darn, woke up late again today! 1pm! I can be such a sleepy head sometimes...hehe...So what did I get up to? Well, I bought a pair of bLEND Two-Tone from Williams Top Ryde this afternoon. They have a sale on right now so I got it for $50. Given that, I'm thankful that God gave me the money to make the purchase (not to mention it was the last pair of size 13 US - my size). My old pair of Gravis will now act as gardening (something I haven't done for a loonnnggg time) shoes.

I also worked on the ELEC3017 drawing assignment at the local library. Yes, I'm doing an assignment that's not due for another two weeks. Amazing isn't it? But seriously, it's only tech drawing and I enjoyed that subject in high school so it's all good.

Ok, gonna mix some music, listen to the soccer on BBC (now that SBS is not showing the Premier League anymore. WHY?????) and hopefully get enough sleep so I don't drift off during the sermon tomorrow.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Kam...
Thanks for the sms last night when we were at the casino. I deleted it... but I remember it went something like "Hey Gan... you lost all your money yet?"
If I didn't know better (which I don't) I'd think you wanted us to lose...
Thanks a heap... wishing bad luck on your friends :)
Real christian of you


ps. "I'm thankful that God gave me the money to make the purchase"

... I'll say no more

9/12/2004 12:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Hey kam" how were your tax return... you owe money to the goverment... being a tightarse.. u could have come for a free meal and drinks...

wishing us to lose money... that's low man... where is the love? not just as a friend.. but as a goodie christian..

but hey.. i'm a friend.. i forgive.. i'll even give ya a small gift.. an extended middle finger ,,|,, with a big smirk (c msn pic for detail smile)

no hard feelings



9/12/2004 12:35 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

so gan.. how did u fair in the casino??

9/12/2004 12:40 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

Hey Gan, please say more. I always love to hear what you have to say.

9/12/2004 1:04 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


Why does God give you money to buy shoes or whatever...
and doesn't give money to starving people to buy food?
Not exactly fair or equitable. Also... I don't think God (if he did exist) would want you to go to sermon and be bored oblique stroke fall asleep. Rather he would want you to turn your words into action and make this hole (oblique stroke world) a better place.

However, I do not presume to speak on behalf of God (if he did exist). But you asked me to say something... hence the incoherent ramblings above.


9/12/2004 1:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hahaha hole.. that's a line to remember.. maybe hellhole would have been a better term. but yea.. christians look forward to death rite? i mean... isn't it your ticket off this hellhole somehting like that
says the ho on the hole

9/12/2004 1:52 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

What the? Ok...I think some people are losing it here and just speaking crap... >_<

9/12/2004 2:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Back on the topic...
Christians preach the message that everything happens for a reason and God has a "plan" for each of us.
So, why is it that when Christians win awards, come first in a race, achieve their goals, etc. they always "Thank God" as if he had anything to do with it, but when things go to shit, they never mention him? Shit too is part of God's Plan, right?

And if God has a "plan" for us already, that means he has already determined our fate, whether we go to heaven or hell. Jesus knew Judas would betray him before he did it so his fate was sealed. That means its not up to us, so what the f**k do we do then? If hell is our fate, then we are f**ked either way, whatever we do. What sort of religion is that?


9/12/2004 2:27 AM  
Blogger Jeff said...

But it is up to us.

God has a plan for us and yes, He knows whether heaven or hell is our destination but do you? If you do, then you are saying you are more powerful than God and that, as we all know is absolutely not true. So it's a matter of whether we 'want' rather than we 'are'.

As for the first paragraph, gimme some examples as to what you call 'shit'

9/12/2004 3:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Knowledge of what is possible is the beginning of happiness." (George Santayana) - Whether it be religious or not...

"What matters today is not the difference between those who believe and those who do not believe, but the difference between those who care and those who don't."(Abbé Pierre) - I am one who leans to the latter but not completely

"Few people are capable of expressing with equanimity opinions which differ from the prejudices of their social environment." (Albert Einstein)

I am curious, what colour is god? i was just watching Malcom X and that question came up, I thought it pretty funny


9/12/2004 11:20 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

mate.. u must think that all christian are actively good.. thanking god for everything, reading the bible, forgiving and all that jazz. U know that's a load of bull. but then you are the exception, u would thank god for your 3 hr power naps, thank god when u don't win anything in poker (and that time is coming soon), i expect to c your hands together when that time comes!
as for the death line.. i guess u just want to listen to gan' ramble instead of mine.. which is fair enough

9/12/2004 11:58 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kam... you want examples of "shit"?

Look at the 6 o'clock news.
To cite a few examples

1. Hostage crisis in Beslan
2. The Rwandan Genocide of 1994
3. Poverty

Heres a fact. Half the world... nearly 3 billion people live on less than 2 dollars a day. I won't bring up your shoes or how this seemingly unrelated fact has anything to do with it.

To which you reply... well all these problems are the result of human decisions which is inherently our fault. So I'd like to ask you... why did God (if he exists) make diseases such as AIDS. I'm doing a Gened on infectious diseases... and we've learnt that in some African contries such as Botswana more than 30% of adults are infected with AIDS.

Fact: Children are at greatest risk of contracting the disease through breastfeeding.

Now tell me that is not "shit". What has the kid done to deserve that. Please don't say anything about original sin... cause you're not going to take the fall for other people.

I won't mention earthquakes and other natural disasters that claim thousands of lives every year. But you asked for examples of "shit"


ps. This post is not said in anger... just fustration. I am merely pointing out what I think is a pertinent fact.

9/12/2004 2:25 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Kam... you want examples of "shit"?

Look at the 6 o'clock news.
To cite a few examples

1. Hostage crisis in Beslan
2. The Rwandan Genocide of 1994
3. Poverty

Heres a fact. Half the world... nearly 3 billion people live on less than 2 dollars a day. I won't bring up your shoes or how this seemingly unrelated fact has anything to do with it.

To which you reply... well all these problems are the result of human decisions which is inherently our fault. So I'd like to ask you... why did God (if he exists) make diseases such as AIDS. I'm doing a Gened on infectious diseases... and we've learnt that in some African contries such as Botswana more than 30% of adults are infected with AIDS.

Fact: Children are at greatest risk of contracting the disease through breastfeeding.

Now tell me that is not "shit". What has the kid done to deserve that. Please don't say anything about original sin... cause you're not going to take the fall for other people.

I won't mention earthquakes and other natural disasters that claim thousands of lives every year. But you asked for examples of "shit"


ps. This post is not said in anger... just fustration. I am merely pointing out what I think is a pertinent fact.

9/12/2004 3:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

1."I'm thankful that God gave me the money to make the purchase"
-- God had nothing to do with it. It was either your fathers labour and sweat/ or your earnings
-- Why the hell are you special? What have you done to make a difference?
-- If God is so Great as you say it, then why is there poverty/ hunger/ killings?
-- Money you say- look at the way Jesus was bought up. A shephard's boy, could he have afforded bLEND Two-Tone? You tell me

2."Amazing isn't it? "
-- Amazing, yeah and they say "self praise is no praise"

3."Ok, gonna mix some music, listen to the ..."
-- Mix you say?
-- Isnt that 'wrong'

You call yourself a good Christian. I think, you are only using it as a blanket to cover for all the sins you have commited in your life.
If our destiny has been written, then what is the point of life- You tell me (And dont you dare say read the bible). I want your bloody opinion.

As a 'good' christain, you would wish nothing but happiness for your friends. And what did I hear: You hoped Rus and Mitch lost at the casino.

Bottom line:
You are pathetic Jeffery Kam!
I have 0 respect for you.

9/12/2004 8:11 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hahahahaha.....sounds interesting...let me join in...first of all...f you for wishing our plan to fail..we raped the casino..your God's on our side!

Let's bring up the classic question on questioning the existence of God.." Can God bake a cake so big that he cannot eat it all by himself?" (by Nick) So there isn't perfection in the world..hence the "perfect" "all power God" doesn't exist. God is just a heroic figure created by a bunch of smart people thousands of years ago to rule over those weak people (opps...).


"I kill you because I want you to die"
- from Warlords before the existance of religion

"I kill you because God tell me to kill you"
- from Kings and queens or whatever after the born of religion

M.K. Peters

Funny isn't it?

9/12/2004 8:56 PM  
Blogger Jeff said...

1. God actually has everything to do with money.
2. I never said I'm special. When and where did I say that?
3. poverty/hunger/killings - perhaps they are the result of evil and ruthless governments?
4. Why is mixing music wrong?
5. Yes, God knows where we are ending up. Do you? If so, then good for you. otherwise, you have something to live for then.
6. "..we raped the casino..your God's on our side!". So you do believe in God then?

9/12/2004 10:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let me distance myself from the two previous comments. They were not by me and appear with a degree of malice.

Everyone is castigating you for your beliefs and you should be able to follow whatever religion you like. I couldn't care less if you worshipped a lama... but it's probably that your promoting and preaching your beliefs so openly that people are thoroughly scrutinizing you over this, comparing it with the actions you take in life. Some of your actions may appear a bit hypocritical.

With the shit happening to me, you can understand why I don't believe in God anymore. We "Thank God" for escaping from bad situations in life, such as surviving a car accident, when we could also ask "God, why were we put in that situation in the first place?". There are a lot of other ppl more deserving of dying than us.


ps. we did "rape the casino"...

9/12/2004 10:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Agreed... I'm not sure that post by whoever said they had 0 respect for you was really in the spirit of this discussion.

I'm finding it very unnerving how you are attributing everything good in your life to God. Before I shut up I would just like to say that everyone should be wary of what other people tell us to believe, and that it is no crime to be skeptical. Absence of caution and skepticism leads to things like Heaven's Gate and OTS.


ps. Simon rang again. He is becoming extremely annoying. Why did I let you drag me along to that religious do gooders convention? Why did I give him my number?

9/12/2004 11:29 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

9/13/2004 5:04 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I just want to clear something up for my sake, and for the idiots out there. (yes, a Christian is refering to YOU as an idiot.)

God gave us free will. If God was to interfere in our lives free will is lost. We can ask God to do stuff in our lives, and since we are asking it is in our will that God does 'something'. God can change circumstances, but leaves our free will intact.

That being said; We humans tend to be evil pricks that let people live on $2 a day and keep all the wealth to ourselves. God does not want this. He wants us to LOVE each other as we love ourselves. If we loved each other, this wouldn't be happening.

Why does he let them be born into a situation like that? I believe its part of their parents free-will that allows them to have sex, and resultantly, children.

If God creates all that is good, and those shoes were good... why shouldn't Jeff be thankful for them.

People winning awards thanking God? Yes, they are thankful for the abilities that God has let them have and use. God has blessed us all with unique talents and abilities. Whether we acknowledge God gave them to us or not is you decision.. whether or not he did... well... he did.

Now, if ask God to bless us, and move in our lives, you may just be entiled to be thankful for a new pair of shoes if they come your way or for the money that your God given abilities allowed you to earn. (that includes you Russ)

I hope I explained my thoughts clear enough.

.... retards.


9/16/2004 10:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

In response to above,
Shove your concocted, delusional shit up your ass. Religion was created to cover up the inadequecies you have about your lives. It was created to keep the sick, weaker and poorer people in line, preying on their insecurities and giving them false hope of a better existence. You use it to justify your existence when you should just accept your dismally pitiful lives. I suspect 'penis envy'. Surrender to the truth.

9/22/2004 4:27 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Whoa! someone needs anger managemnet. Who are you anonymous?

9/22/2004 9:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well said anonymous...
I agree with everything you said 100%
But try to keep this friendly... no?


9/22/2004 11:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I was bored, just a spur of the moment thing... took offence with the earlier name calling...


9/22/2004 11:59 PM  

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