Sunday, February 27, 2005

Busy Weekend

Buggered as.

Friday - Combined 21st of a couple of guys from high school at UTS rowing club. The night was bloody humid. Very uncomfortable. The breeze didn't come arrive till around midnight.

Saturday - Got up early to take the Toyota 'bomb' for its annual servicing. Then went to the doctor (3rd time this week along with a blood test and a bone scan) to see the result of the bone scan. Turns out I've got tendonitis in the area just below the left heel. So that explains why I have been hobbling around for the past week and a half. Taking medicine at the moment but it's still uncomfortable walking around. Another unwanted foot-related illness added to the list. Afternoon and night was spent at Mitch's place for his 21st. The man has his own set of swords now Kill Bill style.

Sunday - Woke up for church but half dozed off during the sermon >.< Had a meeting after lunch for the upcoming evangelistic night and then did Investigating Christianity bible study with Tin-Lok and Eddy.

Uni starts tomorrow but for me it's back to the office for another week of 8-6 desk job. Also need to get some stuff for another 21st this Saturday. The theme is retro. What should I go as?


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