Monday, July 31, 2006

God is 1337...

"God is 1337. He uses n00bs like us to p4wn the 1337..."

Johnson and I started reading 1 Corinthians today and somehow this is what we came up with to summarize the first chapter. Ahh, good ol' Quantum Engineering =P

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Long long weekend coming up!!

And my first week of uni is done. No need to go back till Monday (Same deal for 'even' weeks so next week will be another short one). Yaaayyyy!

Had Mobile & Satellites on Monday but the lecturer didn't turn up. How gay. Could have told us beforehand he's still in holiday mode rather than making us waste money and time going in for nothing. Did get to check out the new law building from the outside. It looks nice but I don't understand why they made the library visible for all to see on the main walkway. I might go check out the inside sometime during the session and even go to a few lectures :P

No class on Tuesday but went in for CBS anyway. Joshua challenged us about making disciples (Matt 28:10) but not before asking us: "Are you a disciple?" or better still: "Are you a REAL disciple?". You can wear a mission hoodie (which I'm still waiting for mine to arrive) or an engineering lanyard but do you really follow Jesus and live your life for the sake of the gospel? Quote unquote Josh: "We are to be the MSG of the world" :P I also got to achieve my life-long dream of being a sandwich-board boy...just kidding. Because there was a late change of location, we had to figure out a way to let people know. So Mick our faculty MTSer being the engineer, scribbled on two CBS posters the new location, taped them on me and got me to walk around the commerce courtyard/library area. Hmmm...think I got some stares but it also proved helpful for a few guys running a bit late so I guess it wasn't too bad :0

Finally had my first class today at 4-6pm. I can see Wireless Data Communication Systems gonna be a pain in the bum for the rest of the session. The lecturer kept referring to stuff from a course I did more than two years ago and I have absolutely no recollection of it. And today was only a course overview/intro lecture. Uh-oh, this is going to be interesting.

I'm done for this week. Time for a break.

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Let the last session of uni begin

Wow, can't believe I'll be starting my last ever semester of uni tomorrow (barring any fails of course). 2 subjects, 4 hrs of lectures one week, 14 hours lectures/labs/tuts the other. Long long weekend every 2nd week (Thu-Sun) Hehehe...finally, a commerce student-like timetable...

Did end up going to my last MYC from Tuesday night-Friday. Talks were awesome and very helpful, the seminars weren't too bad (and didn't seem as intense as last year's) but struggled in the bible study after missing the first two days >_<. Bought the talks so if anyone is interested in listening Grimmo talk about iRelate (I missed the first talk myself), can borrow them off me. I guess it would be GradCon for me next year?!?!

Saturday, July 15, 2006

2 weeks of holidays gone already?

A few things happened over the past couple of days. Uni results came out on Thursday and yet again, I feel jipped for a few of the subjects. No, make that ALL the subjects bar one. I scrolled down the email and saw marks of 62,63,64...What the? So close to getting 3 credits?!?! At least thesis mark turned out quite good. I'm happy about that one :)

Met up with Albert yesterday and continued reading Acts after a two week hiatus (due to exams and him working on his 'off' days). We read Acts 4 and I was encouraged by the way the Holy Spirit worked in Peter and also the early Christians. Their boldness in proclaiming the Gospel is amazing. And how about Peter's comment on salvation?

"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved." (Acts 4:12)

I guess coinciding with the sermon at church on the Holy Spirit a few weeks ago, it made me ponder whether I really ask God to fill me with the Holy Spirit as I live my Christian life and whilst I serve Him. Definitely something to think and pray about. After that it was off to cell social. We made pizza for dinner...including a choc pizza. I jokingly told d. about the idea the night before but she insisted we make one! So our chocolate pizza consisted of marshmellows, choc toppings, crushed nuts (think that was it. I didn't actually make the pizza hehe). Chuck it in the oven and bake till the marshmellows melt. Serve with ice cream and strawberries. Yum.

Had youth ministry meeting this morning and things are looking good. The basic structure of the new EFC youth program looks in place and will start in 4th term (roughly October for those who have forgotten how the high school term dates work). Now we just gotta nut out the actual program/rostering/admin stuff and we are set to go! Oh wait, we need a name for the ministry too...

2 more sleeps before start of iRelate :D

Monday, July 10, 2006

What was ZZ thinking...?

A World Cup final.
Captain of your country.
Last football game of your professional career.
1 second of madness:

Red Card.

Only Zidane and Materazzi can tell us what happened in the 110th minute of this morning's Final. The game itself was alright. Both sides had good chances and it was relatively free-flowing football. I think France was unfortunate to lose Vieira and Henry to injuries before Zidane's brain explosion and by that stage, they were mentally gone.

Saturday, July 08, 2006


Wooohoo, the new RICE site is up and it looks awesome. Really looking forward to the 19th & 26th August when the message of the Gospel will be preached to the youths of Sydney!

Saturday, July 01, 2006

It's all over!

Crazy month of June...OVER.
Uni degree...almost OVER.

Bring on the holidays, World Cup final and MYC...